Sunday, January 22, 2012

Question from Anon: You're A Cunt

Question from Anon, submitted via email. 
Your a cunt and heres why. You come up with a plan that gets women to send you naked pictures of there bodys and then you jerkoff over them then photoshop them then post some arty shit. How the fuck did you come up with that idea? I bet you got broed of photoshoping you fucking pornstars because you cant get any real woman to fuck you. Is that why your a cunt?

Normally I'd just delete this shit, but I really felt it deserved an airing up on the blog. 

Not only was the spelling, grammar and sheer eloqeunce of the writer an astounding example of the use of the English language, comparable to Shakespeare at his best.  It was the sheer gusto and enthusiasm with which the elegantly phrased question was posed. 

So here's what I emailed back:

Dear Anon,

Go blow your dad. Then hit him in the face for not making sure you got at least a High School education. In fact, punch him in the balls too for being dumb enough to add you to the human gene pool. 

After you're done asking Mom what time supper's ready, and you've jerked off in your favourite sock (you know, the crusty one you keep under your bed), then maybe you should go read some educational stuff, learn how to actually communicate without looking like you've donated too many IQ points to a scientific experiment, and maybe spend some time doing something constructive. Like your homework?

Don't forget to blow your dad though - it'll be good practice for you when you're in prison in later life because you're too fucking dumb to live in society like a normal person. 

And yes, I absolutely am a cunt. You don't want to find out how much. 


Too harsh?


  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Well said JJ !! My usual response is duly noted, however I'm under the impression anon might not get it. I always personally find it funny when people feel the need to immediately try and tear down something that brings others joy. If someone's not a fan why not simply ignore it and move on to something else.

    1. Why not ignore it and move on? Because sometimes people have issues, sometimes they're angered by things, and sometimes they be trolling.
      I suspect the latter of the three on this occasion, and I'm betting they don't go blow their dad either.... but if I get a response I'll post it up :D

    2. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Oh yes, you were so clever you got blokes to contribute too...I'm guessing Mr Lovesock didn't think of that

      B x

    3. lol... My Lovesock - I'll have to remember that if he replies back :D

  2. Too harsh?

    I like it and sometimes it just has to be said. Why not let somebody listen who'd theoretically benefit from it...? ;-D

  3. Harsh? Nooo... Charitable endeavour, indeed. 'Tis a pity, though, that the effort is most probably wasted. The only suggestion I should care to make is that both dad and mum are responsible, hence should both get their suck...
