Saturday, February 18, 2012

Question: are you alive?

are you alive? We haven't heard from you in a while.

Apologies one and all - I've been floored for a week now with a pretty nasty bug that's been doing the rounds. Hopefully normal service shall resume shortly.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Readers Comments: The Writers Perspective

So this is a blog post that I've had trouble deciding if I should post or not. 

Readers comments come in many different ways, all manner of shapes and sizes, which makes sense if you think about it. Everyone has opinions, everyone is shaped by their experiences. Some people are selfish, some are generous, some people are nice and some people are assholes. So you get comments from all sorts. 

Here's a comment I got today from an Anonymous Lit reader:

"42 PAGES ARE YOU CRAZY! 90% of the readers here will never read this due to it being 42 pages in one shot. you say you are writing for yourself not the readers thats fine just don't post it. if you are writing for the readers and care about them you will write stories no longer than 4 pages per chapter. if you have any brains and care at all about the readers enjoyment then you will delete this and break it up into 10-11 chapters and use a good editor. SHOW SOME PRIDE IN YOUR WORK AND A WHOLE LOT OF RESPECT FOR THE READERS AND EITHER DO IT RIGHT OR NOT AT ALL. SOME OF US ARE ON PUBLIC COMPUTERS AND CAN NOT BOOKMARK STORIES OR JOIN SITES LIKE THIS AND YOU RUIN THE SITE FOR US THINK BEFORE POSTING AGAIN."

So I'm ruining Literotica by posting The Island? Interesting viewpoint and apparently I have no respect for the readers either because I didn't post it around the schedule of those who have to use public computers and can't join a free website as members? And if I have any brains I'll delete it? 

lol... somehow I don't think posting comments in this style is going to increase my respect for the readers, especially from an Anonymous commenter, who rants at me because I haven't posted a story that fits in with his allocated fap time. 

The sad thing is, however valid a point he may have, making his point in that fashion isn't going to get anyone to listen. Me particularly.

Then on the other hand you get comments like these:

"This story is absolutely amazing. Best ever. You wrote it so nicely that there has to be follow up stories. Shell Shocked! "

"The story was great, Detailed, thorough and exciting. I think a sequel would be cool, expanding the relationships between the characters, The triplets, Sarah, Patricia, Casey and Margerita, there's so much potiential. I really hope you consider a sequel, or several even.
thanks. "

"Truly awesome.I can't take my eyes off this story.we really need continuation for this story.Looking forward for more on this. Really want to know more about what happens next in their lives!! "

I like comments like these, but who wouldn't. It's appreciation, approval and feedback from some genuine enjoyment, something I would think every writer enjoys. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Perhaps the people here have genuinely discerning taste buy maybe they don't. For all I know their boxes could be ticked simply by having a blonde woman in the story who likes it up the ass. I don't know. Truthfully, there's no way I can know because there's no way of quantifying the level of their enjoyment or taste, so I can't place any weight on their words.

That all being said, I LOVE reading the positive comments. I'm a sucker and I can't help it.

There are other types of comments though. I've had emails from grammar nazi's, some helpful and some just moronic. I've had dozens from people with suggestions for what should follow, usually based around what their own fantasies are. Some of them fit what the characters would do and some are so far out there it's unbelievable, but these comments are more about what the reader would like to read than what the characters themselves would do. They're all valid, and they're all honest, which I like. 

Then there's the comments that come back with something constructive. For instance telling me areas of the story that they didn't quite buy into, or where they think I dropped the ball, and not just saying I did, but explaining what they mean, where they think I went wrong or could have done better or where a particular part of the story needs fleshed out. These comments to me are really helpful. They're giving me the viewpoint of a stranger, an observer watching the story unfold as they read and when things don't quite fit, they take the time to let me know. To me, this is hugely valuable. It's an opportunity to learn from mistakes that I can't see because I'm too close, or to note down things that need addressed in the sequel(s) if at all possible. 

Over the last few weeks, editing and re-writing The Island, I've been able to address nearly all of these constructive comments, or plot them into the following stories, and as a result, the readers who have taken the time to be helpful haven't wasted that time. Their comments have value.

The positive comments, the messages of support and the suggestions, pleads, questions and rants for more stories have given me the confidence to continue with it because I know that out there, there's people who want to read what I've written.

As for the negative comments? The haters, the rude, the obnoxious, the selfish or the assholes... fuck them. Their words have no value. Their comments are usually either about their needs and how I haven't met them or what they would do if they were in the characters position.

Well, I'm not responsible for meeting everyone's needs, everyone's fantasies, wants and desires. I write for me, and I chose to share that. Like it or don't like it. Read it or don't read it. That's your choice as a consumer. For me as a provider, I'm happy to put it out there. It's up to you if you want to eat it or not, but commenting that you don't like the plate it's served on is pretty pointless, and without value. 

As for the commenters who tell me what they would have done if they were in Kyle's shoes, again, it's a pointless comment. You're not Kyle. You're someone else entirely. You're not in the story and you don't exist in that universe, so why waste your time telling me what a random stranger such as yourself would have done? What makes you think for one second that's of interest or use or value to me? 

I read every comment that comes in. I read every private message or email that's sent to me. Do I appreciate them all? Most of them, even some of the ridiculous ones. 

But at the end of every message I think about what the person has said and I have to place a value on it. I need to do this so it can worth, weight if you like. So it has value. 

I'm going to leave you with an email I got from someone a couple of weeks ago that I took the time to reply to. Hopefully this will give you a bit more of a perspective what the writers on Literotica have to put up with. 

Finally, if I've offended you with my words here, then my apologies. I've pretty much written this as I see it. It's unedited, unchanged and exactly as I've written it. A blurt or a rant, if you will. Influenced by the readers comments.


The email:

Considering you described yourself as a dom in your blog, I really miss in the Story a Time where Kyle asserts himself, just says 'fuck you all' and goes of to do his thing. Then they hunt him down and he comes back, but stronger than before. Just an Idea.

He is a wussy in your Story, doing what they tell him to, like a puppy dog. Ok now and then he throws a five minute tantrum like a three year old. I dont know, if it would have been me I would have told them to back the fuck off right at the Beginning, I mean whats the point in being rich, if you live like a fuckin Go-fer. Every one of his Servants has more freedom than he does. I am sure you know what I mean.

I am nearly through with your Story and I really like it. Only that he lives like a submissive pet, while he is theoretically in charge puts me off. But that of course is a matter of taste. Considering how many cuckolding fans there are on literotica it wont damage your rating, dont worry.

The response:

I think there's something you're missing here. Kyle isn't me. He's not a Dom, he has no BDSM experiences and his formattive sexual experience was with a girl he met on spring break. Kyle's definition of the ultimate sexual experience would be an experience like he had with Katie - that emotional connection, symbiotic bond, making love, whatever.
But Kyle's entering new territory....

Then you have to consider the following;
  • That his home/family/job/life has been pretty much turned upside down
  • That his two figures of sexual fantasy turn out to be his sisters
  • That he's adopted and didn't know it
  • That he's suddenly got all this money, but this massive responsibility comes along with it
  • That he's hiding a big fucking secret that if it gets out could destroy him
  • That he's in a world that's unfamiliar to him, where he's still learning the rules and trying to keep afloat
  • That he might be getting blackmailed
An ordinary guy in extraordinary circumstances, under enormous pressures. He's not a Dom either, although with the continued influence of Patricia in his life, he may well find he likes it and develop that way. Time will tell on that front though.
I'm still struggling to see him as a submissive pet, and the cuckold comment made me laugh. Cheers for that.

As for the comment on him being 'Wussy' in your story, and what you'd have done. If you walk into a new job as a manager, do you try and figure out what to do, what needs done, what your people are like, who seems competent and what the fuck am I meant to be doing, or do you start laying down the law on how it's gonna be?  That's what we're talking about here. Kyle's doing the smart thing, and he's trying to be a good guy. You might think he's 'Wussy' but I don't see it. He's a guy who's struggling and trying to keep up, while doing the right thing. The responsible thing.

Mail me again when you've finished the story - at least that way you'll have the full picture.


(And no, I've never heard back)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pervtastic Image Post #35 Corsets

Here's one I prepared earlier....

I've always found something kinky about a woman wearing a corset. Perhaps it's because in my minds eye it should be accompanied by stockings and heels. (bra and panties optional)

Anyway, enjoy the pics...


Writing: Quick Update

Well, after lots of work I finished the re-write on The Island a couple of days ago and sent it off to the proof readers for comment. Quite a few changes to the shape of some of the storylines, as well as all the 'don't-sue-my-ass-compliance' stuff taken care of too.

Then yesterday I got stuck back into the follow-up short story, made really good progress and then last night I started feeling really ropey (and not in a bondage-fun kinda way) so I had an early night. Today it's developed into some kind of man-flu virus thing, so I'm going back to bed. It's very frustrating as I've got all these words, story arcs and dialogue shouting in my head, wanting to get written down on the page. 

I'll get there though... I should have this short story (and by short I mean 20,000-30,000 words - half a novel) done before the comments come back on the new version of The Island, so with luck it should be online in the next few weeks. 

For those of you who have sent me emails and comments asking when it's arriving, and for those of you who have demanded in very impatient terms that there's more story to read, please continue to be patient. It won't be long now.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Question from Deb: Outrageous Experience

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Question from Anon: What's A Good Sub

Question submitted by an Anonymous visitor:
Tips on what makes a good sub ? 

Well, doing as she's fucking told, is the first answer that springs to mind.... 

However, what you're asking is very similar to asking 'what makes a good pizza'. It's far from a simple question, because everyone's tastes are different. Some like onion, some like tuna, some people prefer their pizza without tomato. Different strokes for different folks, right?

Because of the diversity of behaiour within a Dom/sub relationship it's really down to an agreement in tastes, desires, goals..... or rather kinks, perversions, fantasies and limits. A good sub for what you want might not be a good sub for what I want. 

Then there's the chemistry between the two people - that's 90% of the ball game to me.

So if you're a Dom, you meet a sub, you're getting on great, you're both into the same things or willing to play in the same areas, and you've got some seriously good chemistry going on, then odds are she's going to be a good sub for you. 
But I will go back to the first answer because if she's a good sub..... she'll do as she's fucking told! 
And smile while she's doing it....


Pervtastic Image Post #33 Words

Monday, February 6, 2012

Questions for JJ

Ask me them!

Accented Editing Accidents

So I've been editing 'The Island' and one of the things I've been changing is a lot of the speech patterns that the characters speak in. It was pointed out to me that sometimes a character will say something that a British or European would say, but not that an American would, so to combat that I've developed a new skill.

I've started reading the dialogue out loud as I edit, but with an American accent. 

While that might not sound unusual to many people, the fact I'm from Scotland, have a broad Scots accent (think Mel Gibson in Braveheart if you don't know what I mean) and that I suck at impersonations is adding up to produce a lot of hilarious moments. 

I find it easier to think of specific actors reading the dialogue in their accented voices, and then for me to copy them so I can hear the flow of the words. The odd thing is, Mister Crowler is somehow now from the deep South, and talks like Vampire Bill in True Blood. That came as a bit of surprise. Katie sounds a bit like Kat Dennings in my head now, because I watched a few episodes of 2 Broke Girls last week but she doesn't quite have the restrained irritation, and somehow Kara sounds like Eliza Dushku. Kinda hot, actually.

The thing is, with all these actors and accents having a conversation and me trying to say them out loud, I find myself getting them mixed up, crossing accents halfway through sentences, and saying some hideous and ridiculous things when the words get garbled. 

Lots of fun though, so I thought I'd pop it up here. :-)


Saturday, February 4, 2012


 This image does it for me. 

There's so much about it that's just 'right'. The submissive pose, the blindfold, the body language, the way her straps fall off her shoulders, the suggestion that her wrists are tied behind her back. A beautiful woman on her knees awaiting my next command. 

Everything about it speaks to a part of me that wants to growl aloud, something I do when I experience a surge of the horny. 

I've no idea how many times I've glanced at this shot and my eyes have narrowed, or stumbled across it in my search for images and been tempted to repost it. It's rare I favourite a specific image, but this is one of them. I've even searched to see if I can find out who the photographer was so I could drop them an email and say, "Fine work."

It's impressive that a simple image can evoke such a strong reaction from me, as I look at photographs a little differently from most people. I don't just see the content, but see the light, see the technical aspects of the photography, see the framing and composition, see the editing, all these things and more. When I look at this image I see the crop as being too tight at the top, I see the subject as being too centred, the shadow is too deep on the material of her camisole, yet none of it matters. 

The content of this image over-rides the technicality with a power that speaks directly to that 'Dom' part of me. It makes me flex my shoulders in anticipation of something that's never going to happen. It makes my eyes narrow with the surge of desire that increases my heart-rate. 

It makes me growly.


Pervtastic Image Post #31 Squirt

So I don't know if I agree it's the new anal, but I definitely agree it's fucking hawt!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pervtastic Image Post #29 Nipples

This post is dedicated to those who could take your eye out by accident, yet still leave you with a smile on your face.