Saturday, February 18, 2012

Question: are you alive?

are you alive? We haven't heard from you in a while.

Apologies one and all - I've been floored for a week now with a pretty nasty bug that's been doing the rounds. Hopefully normal service shall resume shortly.



  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Good to hear, get well soon

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      i am wondering about the follow up story to the Island... did you ever work on it.. . you have not posted anything on here in a while. too bad i dont know where your other projects are posted you are a great writer..

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    What about Threds? You send The island to Amazon and you were writing this short story happening after The island. Can you inform us about the progress?

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    You still alive dude?

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      lol ... I'm also curious about that.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Nasty bug... then silence. Anon is worried about you.

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    i hope he didnt die :(

  6. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hey dude... You still alive? I was kinda hoping for a sequel to the Island

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    It is a little odd about him being sick, then not posting anything for a whole month. Wonder what's happened.

  8. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Girl Friend...

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    well we are waiting for the sequel of THREADS so I hope he wont forget us! :(

  10. Anonymous7:50 PM

    This is beginning to get depressing. Waiting for the promised follow up stories to Threads, and now waiting for updates... I am hoping that the silence we are getting from lack of updates is due to production of the story. 3 months is a long time to wait especially since it had been confirmed that there was more on the way. Getting extremely ancy....

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    JIMMY!? Where arth thou!

  12. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I actually think he died..

  13. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Man seriously, you ought to reply now.
    Looks like he's dead :(

  14. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Did anybody try email him directly?

  15. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Just alittle update!!!!

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Hi mom finally took the computer out of the basement....

  17. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I did directly email him 2 weeks ago and still no response. I am really thinking something horrible has happened to him :( I wish there was someway to find out if he is ok or not. I always check in hoping to see a new post. </3

  18. Anonymous12:11 AM

    I do the same. Kind of concerned with the sudden silence after such success.

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Marco......... ()

  20. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Seriously worried. This is the my favorite story and It would be a shame to end now

  21. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Anyone heard anything from JJ? He still around?

  22. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I thought he was from Scotland but if you click his name after posted by it take you to his blogspot page. It says he from Hahira, ga

  23. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Where are you from jammyjimmy. Scotland or Hahira, GA. Lit erotica says Scotland and blogspot says Hahira, GA. Love to know if your still alive and well

  24. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Well, cant take longer than GRRM, and if he does than he can challenge Robert Jordan

  25. Anonymous10:31 PM

    No more updates? :(

  26. Anonymous10:10 AM

    You still around?

  27. Anonymous1:37 PM

    June 23, respone from JJ. No, followup. Did the zombies start in Scotland...?

  28. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Yeah, his illness prolly got him. Sucks too.

  29. Anonymous2:01 AM

    If u read this man, if u cannot post another story, could you please post some sort of update to indicate your continued state of living

  30. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I just finished the great story of Threads: The Island, great read, any hopes for a followup?

  31. Anonymous2:23 AM

    I think JJ D.E.A.D! At least post the obituary for the man. So we can all grieve for a good story writer.

  32. Anonymous5:07 AM


  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    God dammit. I seriously hope life just got in the way of things and he hasn't had a chance to focus on this, 'cus god damn The Island was amazing and I want a sequel so bad.

    Not that that's all I care about, I do hope you're in good health JJ. Please give some sign that you're still around.

  34. Anonymous2:19 AM

    July 15, 2012 still nothing... even a small update would be awesome.

  35. Anonymous8:44 PM

    July 18, 2012....the guy writes an epic story, becomes a literotica legend and then becomes incapacitated/passes away? What a tragic tale.....Tell me it's not so!

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      July 19, 2012.... Attempting to email him directly. I will post back in one week if he has or hasn't responded.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Been trying that for months. No response :(

  36. Anonymous5:29 PM

    and while the whole world was like "WTF Mate"... jj was.........?

  37. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Just finished reading The Island, really enjoyed it and well thought out characters and plot. Would love to read more....and soon. If your still alive.

  38. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hopefully he just forgot the password to his website and everything is good or better yet he went into exile to finish up the sequel.

  39. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I really truly hope he didnt pass from being sick...

    Hes a one-hit-wonder in any case (and not in the bad sense it normally stands for)... /cry

  40. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Where are you, come back to us, you have this unique style that we all love!!!!

  41. Anonymous10:14 PM

    when are you going to come back? we miss you.
    like a lot.....

  42. Anonymous4:01 AM

    seriously does anyone know who he may be, and weather or not he is dead??

  43. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I guess the nasty bug got him

  44. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Wow, I finally find a writer to follow & he is off the grid.
    I hope he is ok.
    I think many of us would love to see more of his work too, but for now, I think everyone wants to hear that JJ is ok at the very least :)

  45. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I emailed him on August 31 and as of September 20 he still had not replied. I'll give y'all an update if the situation changes, but I'm going to guess that the guy is dead.

  46. Anonymous12:06 AM

    JJ, u back yet or even still alive??

  47. Anonymous1:09 AM


  48. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Only time someone disappears like this they are dead or detained by authorities

  49. Anonymous4:59 AM

    November 7th, 2012. Still no Jimmy :(

  50. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Amazing story now I find out artist is mia. Anyone hear from him?

  51. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Wow nov 14th 2012. Jus read the story now finding out the guy has dissapeared

  52. man, 17 November, and I find out your gone, or vanished.

    I would pay lots of fucking money to get a continuance to this story, easily one of the best stories I have ever read.

  53. Anonymous6:02 PM

    talk to me jimmy

  54. Anonymous6:48 AM

    December 15, still nothing?

  55. Anonymous5:06 PM

    IF YoU R Dead...(which i seriously hope not)

  56. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Jan, 7 2013 and still nothing... D: This is to say the least depressing... Come back to us JJ!

  57. Anonymous9:12 PM

    January 9, 2013... ;(

  58. Anonymous8:04 AM

    January 18, 2013. Guys and girls, JJ has not been on in over a year. He may be gone from us, but his story of passion will always be with us. in our minds, and our desires. He was a legend. A speaker of our own imagination. If he has passed away, let it be known. JJ was a superb author. ~Brian K.~

  59. Anonymous12:38 PM

    So just finished the Island, great series, but doesn't look like there's ever going to be anymore, as he hasn't posted in a year. E-mailed him but don't have much hope for a reply, just hope hes not dead, then maybe well get some more story.

  60. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Maybe he just doesn't give a fuck and is off living it up elsewhere.
    Who knows?
    Shame, but that's just how it goes sometimes.

  61. Anonymous8:41 PM

    It is hard to believe he doesn't give a fuck. He spent way too much time and effort creating this story and cared way too much about what people thought of it. I believe it is more plausible that a publisher snagged him and didn't like the subject matter of 'The Island'.

    Either way, Thanks for the killer story JJ!

  62. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I don't care if another author would pop up who loves the island story to do a continuation of the series if the worst has come of JJ I know it wouldn't really be the same but I would like to see it. if only we knew his true identity to see if he made it through that illness...


  63. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Tuens out after I had a quick look around that JJ was sick in February on 2012 correct...I believe JJ is Andrew Braitbart he passed away via suspicious circumstances supposedly in 2012 March 1st so yes I believe JJ who may have been Andrew Braitbart has passed away.

    which also means no...there will never be a continuation of this beloved story of thousands of people unless some other author can pick up and take it in another direction, there are many authors who are capable of doing so and personally think that it would be better to have a new perspective writing the next story although JJ would have been ideal. sorry to burst everyone's bubble but now you have the information...


    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      You're a fucking retard.

  64. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I don't think that was him because on lit forums JJ's profile says he logged on in April.

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Also, if I recall correctly, JJ is Scottish not American. That was why Kyle was saying cheers all the time and other things an American wouldn't say on a regular basis.

  65. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Same story with the guy who did Party of Five. Left us all hanging.

  66. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I did a quick search on JJ. His name is James Alexander of Hahira, Georgia, United States. His Blogger profile link to this blogg. If anyone out there have a way of finding JJ in Hahira, please do so and solve the mystery of JJ's disappearance. L

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      If his name is truly James Alexander, the only one I can find is Doctor James Alexander Sinnott of Valdosta, Georgia. only 13.5 miles away from Hahira, Georgia. I found this page:
      Which shows he went to school on an island controlled by the British.,_Montserrat
      Though evacuated in 1997 he could have made it to the U.S.A. Just some stuff I found in like 5 mins.
      If true damn I'm good. 3/25/13 Hope to hear some feedback.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      He's from Scotland. The British words in The Island practically confirm itself. If you have results from GA, you've got the wrong place and the wrong person. Honestly though, tracking him down isn't really gonna persuade him to come back.


  67. Anonymous5:49 AM

    If that's correct, then he's still alive -- at the very least, there are two property records under that name in Hahira, neither of which have been transferred. I also have his address, but I don't know if it's appropriate to post it.

  68. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Well that is not him - not the real identity I knew at least. And no, I don't know what have happened to him, and I can't find anything about it. He seems to have just disappeared from the internet....that is not a good sign.
    Out of respect I wont mention who he is - cause there is the slight possibility that he has left of his own will...I hope so, cause that would mean that he was ok. I cross my fingers...

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Well is you do know his real identity, why don't you then look him up or at least try and find out if he is in fact still ok. Mayby that way we can get some kind of peace of mind. 03/05/2013

  69. Hi has anyone heard from jj i see lots of you have found he has gone missing
    Like a lot of you i have tried to e-mail him no joy last trace i can find is on lierotica in the forum o 12/31/2012

  70. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Omfg lmfao people are trying to find him and really see if he died? Just wish he would update.

  71. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Man this is funny. Isn't it time people stopped trying to play amateur sleuth?....tis a little stalkerish guys.

    JJ is either dead, in jail, or has simply abandoned the blog & The Islands story.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      It's not about feeling like a detective or anything. We all just loved that fucking story and want to read the rest he had planned out. I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN LA AND NY! But if he IS dead or something it fucking sucks. People hunting him down are hoping for some excuse, if he is in jail it sucks but at least he could get out and finish the story or something.

      Yes, chances are hes dead or something and an update will never come. But until I have conformation of life I am holding out hope.

  72. Anonymous10:36 AM

    wish he'd write the other part to that story. Pure gold man. Id pay good money to read it for sure.

  73. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Maybe someone else should try and continue it, it doesn't look like he's going to.

    I would if i had any writing skills.

  74. Anonymous10:04 PM

    8/24/13 still no update i guess?

  75. Anonymous10:33 PM

    R.I.P. JJ.

  76. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I was unable too dox him. He droped off the grid.

  77. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Shit just read his amazing story now find out he is mia?!?!?!?!?!
    JJ if your out there I'll fucking pay you to update the next one

  78. Anonymous10:33 PM

    2nd of November.

    After reading all the above comments, I hope JJ is in jail. Because the only other possibility is that he's dead.

  79. 15 november 2013,

    Dear dairy,

    Today I read an amazingly good and sexy story.
    Today I also learned that the writer of said story isn't active anymore.
    Please let him be okay.

  80. Anonymous1:38 PM

    29th November:


  81. Anonymous2:07 PM

    30 November, just recently read the story and was really craving for a sequel. however after stumbling upon this blog I guess it seems pretty unlikely. Just have to say though that this was really an incredible story that has me dwelling on it for days, torn that there isn't more.
    really hoping the author is okay and will be back someday

  82. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Last activity on his literotica forum profile was in September 2013
    so i highly doubt hes dead and id be willing to bet hes either for some reason in jail or just doesn't wish to continue the story and has abandoned the blog
    either way i wish him well and would just like to say thanks for the amazing story

    1. Where did you find his last forum profile update on Literotica that shows he was on in September 2013?

  83. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Really is a shame have sent a message through Lit the other day but no reply... Would love to see this continued

  84. Did anyone ever figure out what happened to JJ? I do find it interesting that a post he put up here just a couple of weeks before he went missing was posing the questions about what it would do to a sub if the Dom cut off all contact with contract, no email, no anything...about what type of longing and emotional distress it would cause the sub...I wonder if JJ isn't just turning all of his readers into his subs....

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      That's an interesting thought. If something like this did happen, that's dedication. And it does go to show just how far people are willing to go to find what they want. And also just how much things change when someone just "disconnects" from the world.

  85. Anonymous6:06 PM

    apparently the nasty bug must have gotten him /really too bad I was hoping for a follow up to Threads..

  86. Anonymous2:10 PM

    June 15, 2014

    Still no word. This is looking very grim. Though Missing JJ's words' comment is intriguing. If that was true, bollocks.

  87. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Any update on jjs status

  88. Anonymous5:55 PM

    It was a great story ... One of the best I've read so far imo ... So JJ if ur not dead or in jail know that you are WANTED on this site from everyone and be forewarned we will hunt u down for the next part of the story lol =P

  89. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Still no update... :C

  90. Anonymous3:20 AM


  91. Anonymous5:43 AM

    My best guess after years of waiting is that JJ is probably in jail, or dead. Damn, this is probably the best read I've ever come across, and there will not be a sequel. I guess that's just how life works.

  92. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Just finished reading threads and I'm now crushed to find that he never posted a sequel was the best read ever this is torture to the max it was like ecstasy reading that story and to find it's the only one where are you jj!?!?!


  93. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Joining a long list of people who want more from JJ on Threads. Hopefully he is ok, and hopefully he checks his damn blog. I'll echo again, we all want more Threads. It really was fantastic writing. 2/22/15

  94. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Your story -- the island has got to be one of the top stories i have read online. You brought the people in your story to Life. I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading it -- and look forward to its continuation. A job -- well done. Thank you

  95. Anonymous8:29 AM

    5/6/15. Still no word :(

  96. Anonymous10:50 AM

    7/3/15 And still no word or update

  97. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Is there going to be a sequel to The Island?

  98. Anonymous6:08 AM

    8/02/15 I am cold hungry and scared, still i wait and hope for the return of our savior so he may deliver us from sub-par stories about brothers fucking their sisters.

  99. Anonymous12:25 AM

    quite literally need a sequel, lives depend on it. at least be a man and put us out of our misery if you aren't going to finish the story or give it to someone else to finish 11/08/15

  100. Anonymous11:25 PM

    August 30, 2015
    This wall of comments has got to be the most depressing possible follow up read to The Island.

  101. Please where can I read more of threads the island I love it and want much more please

  102. Anonymous3:35 AM

    September the 26 of 2015 still no sign of JJ all hope is lost we must band together and create our own story to what happened in LA and NY.

  103. Anonymous6:48 AM

    November 13th, 2015
    Still nothing

  104. Anonymous11:56 AM

    DECEMBER 3RD, 2015


  105. Anonymous4:44 AM


  106. Read it for the fifth time...still no response as of 03-01-2016

  107. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Read Threads: The Island for the third time. Absolutely love the story. Has anyone heard from JJ at all?

  108. Anonymous5:09 PM

    15-2-2016 Still waiting for JJ to come...

  109. Anonymous5:00 AM

    April 17th 2016 All hope seems lost for JJ. This truly was the most amazing book I have ever read and I need a sequel...

  110. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I keep being disappointed when researching him. Does nobody know him personally who can confirm he's not dead? Damn it... 21st April 2016

  111. Anonymous12:21 PM

    five posible jammy jimmy's on that list can someone phone and ask around plox? let us know what you find


  112. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Damn it... Every time I find something good and worthwhile it always doesn't end well. Really hope that JJ is on a really fucking long hiatus and not dead. Hope to know what happens in LA and NY.
    Best Wishes for JJ.

  113. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I read this story a few years ago and i continue to read and reread it hoping that by some form of magic JJ will add an addition. Sadly, there has not been one. So to my favorite author:
    Please read the comments here and realize that your fans are begging for your presence to be made known. Let us know you're out there and for the love of God, write the next chapter.
    All our love,
    Anons Everywhere

  114. Anonymous3:51 AM

    May 21 2016. One of the most amazing stories I have ever read. Still no update. I wish JJ the best in future endeavors or his family in his absence. We love you JJ.
    Sincerely: D564 and all Anons who agree.


    There is a James Alexander Stevenson died in Scotland night of the 18th.....

  116. Anonymous12:26 AM

    10th Aug 2016 - still nothing :(

  117. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Hello all. Like you I have come to this site in search of a continuation to the Threads Series, and like you I’ve come to find that this won’t be coming for multiple possible reasons. I’ve read the replies, and the posts on both this site and the other and it’s clear that we’re on our own. Either way, as multiple people have pointed out the only way this series is going to continue is if we band together and make it happen ourselves. “Band together, you say?” Yes. We must, because whoever shall take up the mantle has a huuuuge burden to bear and it is unlikely it will succeed without our help. “What could we possibly have to offer?” Good question fake stand-in for a fan. As it turns out there are many things that can be done. The new author doesn’t know the characters as well as the original did, nor the settings, or any of that. So my thinking is that we should create an easy guide for the new author, whoever he or she may be. I have thought for a while on it and come up with the following list of things that could be helpful.
    A list of characters, major or minor, with descriptions of each character’s personality, looks, styles, speech patterns, opinions, physical ticks, habits, medical status, etc.
    If someone could make a relationship web, that would be useful. Or we could just include a huge description of each character’s relationships with other characters in it.
    We would also need a list of every plot point that was hinted at for the future of the series. We could start from scratch, but I think it would be nice to honor JJ by putting what we can of what he created in there. We could also include a list of suggested topics to focus on, so that the onew author has some guides to help, before he makes the story his own.
    The next thing would be a list of settings used in the book, with physical descriptions of everything from the buildings to room layout. Illustrations would be useful here if possible.
    A list of Ed's colorful vocabulary that had been used so far would be a good one for inspiration.
    I don’t know that there were any other than the existence of the Danny Tripps Empire, but a list of differences between the fantasy world and the real world so that there’s no mix ups. Among these differences should be a list of companies owned by Danny Tripps.
    This whole thing should be a collaboration. People are going to need to read through this story again, not entirely for pleasure, but to pick out all these details. If we use a shareable document in a public place, like google docs, then we can all help out and it won’t be as hard. It’s like a scavenger hunt. There’s a lot of stuff you can just copy paste too. Reorganizing the story into something akin to a wiki.
    If we wanted to come up with a list of possible authors who’d be good enough to take up the challenge that’d work too. (My vote is to talk with Platinumsabr on I don’t know of very many authors that could handle this, but if anyone can write as eloquently as JJ did, it’s him.)

    Another thought I had was this, has anyone considered voice acting this book into the audio section of the website? If it was done correctly with multiple people and proper audio editing it could be great! I’m sure there are more than one of you who has experience with this, with how big the fan base is.
    If JJ is out there still, we should respect his wishes and leave him be. If he has left us for a reason, then maybe if we can show him how serious we are about this we can bring him back. If he is gone for good, then at least his passing will have brought together a community of people towards a common goal, and that says a lot.

    While I would love to be involved in this, the most I can manage is to add to the document for the new author. I just finished reading the series and I'm riding high from that and have lot's of motivation, but I'm bi-polar and giving me responsibility over this would end poorly. I've done the best I can in laying out what needs to be done. Now I leave it to you to decide the fate.

    1. Anonymous10:43 PM

      I think that is a wonderful Idea,,, there are so many twists to this plot and so many turns. I love the story and wish he would have finished it... If something did happen to him, it is a shame we could not figure out if he left a rough draft and finish where he left off in his honor....

  118. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Still waiting on you the Island stories
    I'm a huge fan of your work

    You do know that you could direct movies with your novel-story as a script.
    Will be looking forward to your next work(continuation) in literotica.

  119. Anonymous11:43 PM

    October 29, 2016.

    No reply from JJ still, hope he is well, wherever he is

  120. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I'm BlackHatNCat from German-LIT and I'm also a huge fan of JJs No 1 Story 'Threads:The Island'.
    I like to honor JJs 'Threads' by writing a cross-story in one chapter of my long series at LIT. I've asked JJ several times by mail, but got no answer.
    Does anyone know, if he is still alive?

    JJ when you read this, contact me for further information.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      JJ passed a couple yeares ago. RIP

  121. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Does anyone know of a story that rivals this if at all possible? The longer the better. Not a fan of one or two page short stories.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      A similar story is Alex&Alexa by BiscuitHammer at Literotica. This story is split into 10 chapters and continues to be written. This is my opinion, there might be many others.

  122. Anonymous1:34 PM

    January 2017.. Late to the party and a disappointing find that Threads doesn't continue! Fingers crossed he's safe and just left the internet!

  123. Anonymous9:34 PM

    February 2017 - Ditto. I'm about halfway through "Threads" and it is a great story. I hope the author is alright, and I do wish he'd return to Literotica. Or maybe put the remaining installments on Amazon. I'll pay for them!!

  124. Anonymous5:43 AM

    May 13 2017.. just finished reading it and if JJ is dead RIP..

  125. Anonymous11:30 PM

    21MAY17 I found a copy of this story, printed and bound while I was on a TDY. Just got back, and was really hoping to find more. If you're out there, and dead, then this page and it's comments alone are more touching a memorial than mortal hands could make, for such an intelligent man.

    1. Curious when was the publication dated?

  126. Anonymous4:53 AM

    JJ is dead... rip man

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      How do you know he is no longer with us.... what a shame, will keep him in my prayers and blessings.

  127. Anonymous8:31 AM

    July 2017- Prayers to him hoping hes alive and well, giving us a good read with a good cliffhanger, hope he comes back on here soon.

  128. Anonymous7:37 PM

    It's October 26,2017 and still no sign of JJ.

  129. Anonymous5:15 AM

    November 2017 guys idk I really love his story but hr might be dead... well there's always hope... Right?

  130. My son ran a blog and had a few loyal followers who no doubt wonder what happened to him, just as we all are wondering about JJ. Sadly, my son will never post another blog, as he died in 2011. If that happened to JJ, may he rest in peace.

  131. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Found a blog of his. His name is james alexander from Hahira Georgia USA. No suprise, the blog is empty but with his name and location, im sure he can be tracked down.

  132. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I've done a little thinking, And it seems that all 5 of his favourites "disappeared" around 2013, None of them updating their profiles in any way past 2013. Starting with "WickedDoll" and continuing through the favourites. This may be a coincidence but I very much doubt that it is, I doubt a person with 396 stories (Many feathers) would just give up a huge following just out of the blue.I speculate that this was a kidnapping of several, Or they were buddies and they all died from a disease. I am not sure if they all lived in the same state, Or even america for that matter of fact. Although I suspect its more than a simple abandonment.

  133. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Thursday, March 15th, 2018

    The Island was without a doubt my favourite online story I have ever read and having come to this blog hoping to find more I have discovered JJ’s mysterious disappearance. It is truly a shame to lose such a talented writer.

    The common theory in the comments is that he has passed away... if this is true... Requiescat in Pace. If not I truly wish JJ all the best in his future endeavours.

    Saddened Anon

  134. I go back and read Threads: The Island every so often. After this length of time I would have to say JJ passed away. With all the posts here, and also on the Lit site and no responses from him and no adds, that can be the only conclusion. All I can say is it's not often you find a writer with the talent he had, it's heartbreaking to lose that talent.

    All in all The Island was the best I've read in a long long time.

  135. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wednesday 9th May 2018

    I just re-read Threads for the first time in quite a few years; every time, I love it more.

    I come back here every now and then to check for updates, but each time the sinking feeling grows.

  136. Anonymous9:32 PM

    July 2018

    I wasn't initially going to post this as it is most likely pure coincidence. However, as the above comments mostly claim he has sadly passed away or even kidnapped (WTF?) I would like to state that after a few simple google searches, I believe the man to be well and self-publishing his own sci-fi stories.

    If I am correct then he clearly doesn't want his self-published works and Literotica work connected, so I'm not mentioning any details here.

    As stated above, I only post this in order to offer up another theory on his disappearance. This theory is just a nicer one to believe in than the ones put forward by others.

    Regardless of all this, I'm sure I speak for all here when I say that JJ is sorely missed and I hope he returns to Literotica.

  137. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I have tracked down some connections and for all of you jammy jimmy is in fact alive and writing like the other anon said sci go stories for privacy I won’t give any details but it is all his choice if he ever returns to lit, if you see this Jammy jimmy have a great life and consider returning to lot. I’m sure if you really want to prove he is alive anyone can track him down have a great day. Wednesday July 25th, 2018-•-

    1. elonpaul9@gmail.com8:15 PM

      If his emaie has changed then please email me at the given accoacc if youysee this. Without going through the blog i sent him an interesting email which he'll really want to read. PleasP just lemme know i tried and failed in looking him up

    2. Anonymous12:05 AM

      Your full of shit. If not, prove it

  138. If that's the case, the bastard could of posted about it and let us know. Been vominc here for years looking for an update!!!

  139. I have been periodically visiting this page since I first read Threads: The Island roughly 7 years ago, In hopes that JJ would come back. I don't wish to say that I have given up hope but I feel compelled to believe that he passed away at some point shortly after this post in his home nation of Scotland

  140. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Well I think we can all agree that we really enjoyed The Island and would gladly pay for more stories. Thank you JJ for this story. Great writer, great tallent

  141. Anonymous1:00 AM

    July 3rd 2019

    I as well have hopes of him making a surprise comeback and post the continuation to Threads: The Island. Please come back to us JJ!

  142. Anonymous7:37 AM

    February 2020, still no sign of JJ. We can only hope he is alive and well.

  143. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Looking back on his writing, as well as some of the very specific it possible JammyJimmy = Jeffrey Epstein? The obsession with specific celebrities (ones later known to have been abused by Weinstein/Epstein) seemed kinda odd looking back on it as well. Kinda hope it's not the case as it would taint what I had, at least 7 years ago, enjoyed quite a bit.

    All of this, coupled with his somewhat related timely disappearance (things started going to shit for Epstein around this time legally speaking), definitely makes me wonder.

  144. Anonymous5:50 AM

    October 1st 2020 he is still not around
    Im heartbroken :(

  145. Damm it . Must be dead . Really wanted a second story

  146. Anonymous11:59 AM

    17th Feb 2021
    Still no sign

  147. 13 June, 2021
    Can't help myself, I keep checking back here. I keep hoping that we'll all be pleasantly surprised by another awesome story...

  148. He's alive - he wrote in his bio on another site. He's was very sick and had quite a few surgeries.
